WYMeditor Development


Error Running $ grunt server

On some linux systems, (eg. Ubuntu 10.04), you see something like:

$ grunt server
Running "express:all" (express) task

Running "open:all" (open) task
Web server started on port:9000, hostname: [pid: 29903]

Running "watch" task
Waiting...Fatal error: watch ENOSPC

That ENOSPC thing is related to your inotify watchers. Basically, you’re trying to watch more files than are allowed.

Just Fix It

To just up the number of inotify watchers allowed, run:

$ echo fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288 | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf
$ sudo sysctl -p

More Details

For a more detailed explanation, see the guard/listen wiki.

WYMeditor Website

The website at http://wymeditor.github.io/wymeditor/ is served via Github pages and uses Jekyll. Instead of dealing with different content between a gh-pages and master branch, master also contains the jekyll content.

Currently, there’s a lot of overlap between the docs, the website and the README.

The focus of these should be:

  • Website = Marketing/Examples/Getting-started
  • README = Funnels to Website but contains project-wide info
  • docs = detailed user and development documentation

Configuring Jekyll

$ rvm use 1.9.3
$ bundle install

Previewing the Website Locally

$ jekyll build
$ jekyll serve
$ google-chrome "http://localhost:4000"

Updating the Hosted Version

$ git checkout gh-pages
$ git merge origin/master
$ git push origin gh-pages