Building WYMeditor

  1. Get a copy of the source using git:

    $ git clone git://
  2. Install make, Node.js and UglifyJS. To install UglifyJS using NPM run the following:

    $ npm install -g uglify-js
  3. Run make from your git clone:

    $ cd wymeditor
    $ make

The resulting compressed distribution will appear in your dist directory.

Building with Google’s Closure Compiler (Java)

The default WYMeditor distribution is built with UglifyJS, which requires the installation of Node.js. If you prefer Java and/or Google’s Closure Compiler, you can follow these instructions instead.

  1. Get a copy of the source using git:

    $ git clone git://
  2. Install make and Java.

  3. Download Closure Compiler application, extracting compiler.jar into your wymeditor directory.

  4. Run make from your git clone:

    $ cd wymeditor
    $ make min_closure archive
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